Marketing & sales Medical Device
When I have to think what is the difference between recruiter an excellent recruiter, I think about all the qualities and skills that Daphna contains. she is a professional!!! streamlined communicative style that do her work with great passion and genuine ability of feeling empathy , she really tries to get to the bottom, about what moves me? what are my goals? and needs?, and she is working hard to do the much that all sides will be satisfied. she is supportive her availably to help, and knows to push the right buttons to get me into action. Her extensive experience allows her to see the worker and the company in spatial visualization, that is so unique and rare quality, and above all to understand deeply the needs of both sides and reflecting it clearly with lots of passion for what she does and the way she chooses to do so. Daphne walked me hand by hand in all the recruitment process with sensitivity and understanding and yet could give feedback "right in the face" with honesty. her promise to not leave me until I will find the right place for me. she made me feel as an individual. Thanks' Daphana All best, Edna.